I work the night shift from 11pm to 7am the

I work the night shift from 11pm to 7am the next day. Lots of time alone to think. Kinda hurts the soul sometimes.

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Yeah it does. I always try to disyract myself because sometimes thinking can be murder. Singing really loud and off-key works for me but you might find something better

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Just these unwanted thoughts about my life, they are the worst. Especially my cheating wife.

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Damn man I'm sorry. People can be so crappy.

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Yes they can be. Just don't need that drama when I'm getting sober. But I'm doing it.

I know how you feel Mark. My wife and I are currently separated and I am sometimes overwhelmed by thoughts of her and what shes doing. Usually negative. I found writing that stuff down helps…also talking with others. This app helped me alot, I found out that I wasn't alone in having those feelings.

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Me and this app just crossed paths. I'm really glad I found it. It looks like a lot of people like yourself are going through a lot of the same stuff.

Yeah I just looked at your bio. We have a similar story. My wife started texting other men she met on Instagram. It's a long story, but short story, I know that pain.

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It fucking hurts, but now is the time to focus inward and stay sober. Im doing this for me, not her.

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It does but you're absolutely right. I've been sober almost 11 months and I'm just learning that now. :man_facepalming: It's great to meet you Mark, if you ever need to vent hit me up!

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You as well! Great to meet you too. Reach out if you need to talk. Congrats on 11 months too!!!:sunglasses:

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I work 8 pm - 8 am…so I totally get the feels. Definitely sounds like you need to let it begin with you. There's definitely alot of options for helping you in your sobriety, regardless of what it begins with. Just know that you are not alone. I've always tried to look at my challenges in my life as opportunity. Opportunities to make a difference and change how I lived, with some help. You can do this!


Very wise words. Thank you very much!