I wnt to hear some success stories from anyone who

I wnt to hear some success stories from anyone who does N/A


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i am in narcotics anonymous i just got my 30 day key tag. I also found my home group against all odds. And I am so proud of myself for being where I am today and I couldnt have done it without my support systemat narcotics anonoymous. As soon as I got out of rehab i took my ass to a meeting. i found out about the program when we met our leader on the zoom meeting and i loved every second of it . So I asked the staff at the rehab i was at and they got me the listings of the meetings and So Ive been in the program ever since.


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I prefer AA in my area but identify as an addict. 2 years clean, happy and making money. Living honestly and staying connected helps me!

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My gf is a n/a success story. Over 5 years clean. I never knew her when she was using and have a very difficult time even imagining her in the stories she tells. One day at a time adds up to a lifetime of freedom!!


miracles happen!
Any addict (no matter what you think your Drug of Choice IS...alcohol is a drug) can stop using, loose the desire to use, and find a new way of life.
Check out www.na.org
NA saved my life & continues to do so. I have not needed to use any mind or mood altering substances since 1/10/1995.
Just keep engaging in the recovery process and check out some NA meetings.
For virtual, go to www.virtual-na.org

It works!


Hi Amanda.

Congrats on Day 30.

I’m proud of you for hitting this head on. You’re utilizing resources available to you. You’re giving them your all. Keep up the great work.

She doesn’t look like what she has been through. That’s wonderful.

I came into recovery through both NA and AA in 1996. I was physically addicted to heroin and alcohol. Through working a program of recovery I will be celebrating 25 years, hopefully, on July 21. What a long strange trip it’s been


I have friends in NA 30years clean. I am an addict but prefer AA 33 years clean And sober

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I was In recovery for 7 years thanks to my family and support group and n.a if it wasn't for that I would of never got clean . N.A don't judge they help u get back on track

The thing is ALL 12 step programs are geared to teach you how to live...like when you feel like everyone else got the memo on how to do something but not you. We cant learn when were using...so we have to get the substances out of our physical body FIRST. If you really read the steps they are guidelines on how to live. Things are always going to happen. Do you know how to deal with them when they do?
10 years clean

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