I wish I could say I did right today

I wish I could say I did right today or yesterday, or the weeks and 3 months before that. But I can’t.
I did so well for 42 days. But I messed it up in the end. I don’t feel sorry for myself, I’m just sorry for my actions.


Not gonna give it another shot?

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You know how many times I’ve quit? I don’t even know.
But I’ve tried stopping a lot. And every time I mess up I feel terrible. But the biggest thing I’ve learned from all those times is self forgiveness. After a while each relapse becomes a lesson in what makes you mess up again.
Then you’re able to quit for longer periods because you know what to avoid.
When you get to know yourself better from there you can start exercising discipline in more environments. The triggers are all around, so you gotta do that part slowly.
But when you feel out of place and out of touch with the rest of the world, turn to this community.

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I tried and failed 2 times in 2019. In Mid December of the same year I tried again. 500 days later (today) I can say I’m glad I tried again. If you are aware of the mistake you made and feel regret, that means you’re f-ing human and realize we make mistakes. Don’t give up. It’s worth it bro. I’d love to say you were almost in the clear, but you will never be in the clear. There’s challenges everyday and always will be. But you were really close to a point where it gets easier. Smile and try again. You made it really far. You can do it!


The beauty of recovery is we are striving to recover. Recover from every time we fell, or missed our own mark. Recovery is time consuming. Sometimes our foundation is many failures stacked on on another. Just remember the tallest skyscrapers have the deepest foundations.

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We all fall. When we fall we gotta get up. You can do this.

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Legit. Right On

Thank you Brother

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