I went two months of being sober. I relapsed recently

I went two months of being sober. I relapsed recently.I told my sister that I’ve been living with today. She kicked me out because of it.I am trying to look in sober living houses all night (I can’t sleep) while applying for a new job. I had to quit my job today. I just started 2 weeks ago! My boss was understanding of my situation and termed me but he put me as rehireable because I had to go stay with my parents up north. I ruined my relationship with my sister and her boyfriend. I don’t think I will ever repair the trust between each another. I was there when she was born and waited with my mom to give birth to her when I was ten. I am so ashamed of myself and sad that the person I care might not talk to me ever again… I haven’t drank After all that happened today. I have just been crying. I’ve ruined so many relationships because of my addiction.

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Meetings Jesse meetings, first things first. You have to get yourself straight before you can even think about trying to repair things with sis. Meetings and get a sponsor. they will help guide you through this process. Good luck man.

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I think many of us have seen unrepairable relationships repaired, but it takes time and lots of self work to get yourself in the right place. Focus on you and your sobriety before pushing down the road of redemption.

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