I went to my first ever na meeting today after being sober for 2 years, I was offered a line of meth from a coworker and the craving came back I didn’t take the offer but this was months ago. My body and mind have been screwing with me, I have vivid dreams of getting high and wake up drenched in sweat my body aching feeling like I’m withdrawing. My psychiatrist isn’t any help and my fiancé accuses me of using ever day but I’m not but what can I do to get through it ?
So happy for you and your abillity to turn down that offer!!
Congrats on the meeting, it works if you work it.
I am not a professional and do not know your situation with your fiance but at first impression Id say you need to have a serious talk about why he accuses you and what it does to your mental health. Be honest and open with this person about your cravings and dreams.
I hope this helps in some way
Remain strong and keep reaching out for help !!
The accusations of others are likely projections do some degree. If he’s got some clean time, a meeting could help him out too. And if he’s not an addict I strongly suggest he find an al anon like program to help him through his own fears and insecurities regarding your past.
But you are doing it right. You felt the craving and you got to a meeting. Keep it up. Work the steps. Get a sponsor. I’d recommend the woman at the meeting who’s story resonates with you the most.
You got the physical part out of the way. Now it’s time to replace the resentments with gratitude and really enjoy recovery.