I went to a 3 month rehab facility

I went to a 3month rehab facility in March for alcohol and drugs. Got out and went into sober living.
I fell into trying kratum and was hooked immediately. Now I'm smoking and taking kratum. I don't want this life.
Just wanting some wisdom

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I'm not sure what wisdom I can offer but it's good to know that you realize kratom is becoming an issue for you. I had to accept that even though things like marijuana and kratom don't make my life unmanageable by themselves, they lead to the things that actually do stop my life in its tracks.

Do you think you need to go back to treatment? Do you have any sober support network you know locally or from rehab that you can talk to about it? It would probably be worth a call to whatever alumni team you have in treatment to get their feedback.

Thank you for you words and encouragement.

I have some I can call. Just afraid that's all.

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It's okay, man. Everyone makes mistakes. I'm sure anyone would be thrilled that you were being honest about struggling and wanted to talk to them about it. For me, when I had struggles and I failed to reach out, that's when things went totally off the rails. Recovery only works when pain and struggles are shared.

It's normal to be scared. And it's normal for that phone to weigh 100 pounds when you need to pick it up. But you're still alive, you're still breathing, you're not happy with what you're doing, I hope you at least consider it. If I could go back in time and change how I handled recovery from my last relapses, the main change would be to make those hard phone calls when my addiction was fighting me.