I went out tonight to the Mexican restaurant and DIDN’T

I went out tonight to the Mexican restaurant and DIDN’T order a strawberry margarita :scream_cat: I’m soooo proud!! I ordered water and my food nothing else!!


And the sky didn’t fall. And nobody looked at you funny from another booth. And look at how good you feel from that milestone!!


You saved money and face, at the same time! Kudos!!


Noyce! How do you feel physically and emotionally? Like a winner?

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True but I’ll admit my mouth was watering watching all the other tables get their drinks :tropical_drink:

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Like I really wanted it but I chose a good life instead and to be present

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That's freaking awesome! What a powerful feeling, right?


“There’s no growth in the comfort zone and there’s no comfort in the growth zone”. Isn’t it awesome to do stuff that’s uncomfortable for us and then feel AMAZING later because of it. Awesome job…..now I want a burrito :smiley:

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That is a great show of will power and you should be proud of that moment. There is a but if I may. Is that a favorite spot to eat where you usually have drinks? I would caution against placing your self in precarious situations that require a choice without practiced tools in your bag. If you are an alcoholic like me and you bieng so early in recovery your brain may deceive you. Cunning and powerful an alcoholics allergy is powerful.

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Yes it was very hard to do

Never been to this Mexican restaurant before but yes I typically drink strawberry margaritas when I’m out!


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Thank you :heart:

Awesome Taylor. That's how you practice self-control. Keep up the great work.

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Thank you I appreciate it :heart: it was very hard

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You're welcome.

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I am glad you made it. Congratulate yourself with a sundae.

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Thank you

Going out to eat without drinking is still one of the hardest parts of sober life. I used to love to try new beers or spirits. Not to mention it would loosen me up a bit. So you should be very proud!

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Thank you, I was struggling not ordering anything