I went on a 5 day binge

I went on a 5 day binge, not with intent but with habit. Every night drank till I passed out. Day 5 I was out drinking and I think i had a seizure after 4 IPAs. My body stopped...and when I "woke" no one i was talking to was around. I realize I need to stay awake forever. But it is difficult. On day 3 of not drinking and fear is keeping from drinking but how long will this last

It can last permanently Michelle. You'll want the desire to remain sober more than your next drink. If not, it won't work.

Take it 1 day at a time.


If you are having blackouts or seizures, you need to seek professional guidance. I would contact your nearest treatment center and speak to a counselor who is trained to screen and assess you. Doing it on your own will be difficult.

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It wears off. That ability to stay sober after something serious happens. Just be aware of that. Iā€™m speaking from experience. There are plenty of groups to join and resources available if you need help. Here is one of them.

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ODAAT. Play the tape all the way through.... no stopping before the bad ending. Hit meetings.

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I did look at the website and the video on the site. Thank you for this! I appreciate you

Thank you