I went 87 days without drinking

I went 87 days without drinking. On vacation for a friend's 30th I thought after going 3 months without I could handle it and be fine. I was that weekend thanks to other party favors "keeping me balanced". Continued to drink throughout the week and on St paddy's get hammered and emotional. Felt extreme shame for the rest of the week for losing all of my progress. Fully determined to never drink again but am struggling breaking out of this funk. I had lost 12lbs and had been healthy for 3 months now in a few weeks I have lost all of my progress. I have another birthday trip planned in 2 weeks. I'm afraid of the peer pressure but I can't not break


I would recommend. Finding a meeting wherever you are going. It'll help you stay strong and the members of the meeting will help you gain the strength to say no to drugs and alcohol.


If you're not 100% sure you can stay sober on the trip do not go. It's not worth you experiencing guilt again.


It's ok to be sober. It's ok to be In control, it's ok to drink water, it's this tiny win that you are under control will give you immense happiness. You will be inspiration, you will remember your fun in the trip

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"Peer pressure"?! If your peers are pressuring you to do something that you don't want to do, then I'd be inclined to say "get some new peers!"
There's no shame in checking out AA. If one really wants to get sober, stay that way and find a new way to live, then why not give AA a look? Plus: It's FREE.

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Sobriety is worth everything and everyone you have to lose to get it
When you have it you will know that’s true
I do understand the unbelievable temptation to drink when we travel but find at least one AA meeting where you’re going and go to it before you drink
It will help you stay aware of what you’re missing
Remember you’re only really missing the total shit show that is after you Drink 

A little suggestion to avoid questioning if you're feeling self-conscious. 7-up with a couple of limes in it.

Stay away from slippery places and slippery people,and you won't slip..we are of your best interest


Great advice John!

Also great advice Amanda!! There will ALWAYS be another birthday party to attend, or a special trip. If ur struggling in returning to ur recovery Kayla, and r worried u'll lose out on money spent for the trip / gathering... imagine what you're REALLY losing out on ... if u choose to go. Sobriety. Both John & Amanda (heck all the responders) have offered good advice... bc they care. And we've all been there. Make the best of the situation you can-- but definitely get some support: be it an AA meeting, having AA zoom meetings set up, a relapse prevention plan, etc. And even if u don't end up going... have all those things in place where u are. Feel free to come back here for support from us.