I was sober for three years but had major setbacks

I was sober for three years but had major setbacks in 2020. The past few months have been an attempt at balancing and moderation, but I have to admit to myself that moderation just doesn't work for me, and that I really CAN NOT drink anymore.

After three years of no booze, it's amazing that starting over and being at week one can feel this hard....I really don't want to admit to myself that it's not something I can handle, but I and my family are too important to jeopardize for a glass of wine.

Deep breath. Go slowly. I will be ok.

Exacts! The balancing act I’ve been doing is sooooo exhausting! I’m at the same spot as you with a recent relapse after having a few years here and a couple years there of continuous sobriety. It is what it is, you do the next right thing :relieved:

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Yes, you will be OK. Great job on getting back up!

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Glad you've come this far. Keep moving forward. You got this.

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