I was sober for almost 4 months, then my best

I was sober for almost 4 months, then my best friend and roommate had a horrible car crash and is still in ICU, I didn’t know how to cope so I started drinking again. Starting over today is day one. I don’t want to go down that road again.


Welcome back to the sober journey. It is so easy sometimes to forget how bad our drinking can get. My last relapse was something that looking back wasn’t so bad. The girl I thought was the one left. I couldn’t cope and regretted it when I sobered up that Monday. Power tools and hangover don’t mix. That and I had done some really stupid stuff while drunk. Any major emotional trauma can trigger a ton of things we can’t yet deal with in early sobriety. You aren’t alone.

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No shame in a relapse. The only true loss is in staying down.

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Thanks guys!!!