I was so addicted to Xanax they stopped working I

I was so addicted to Xanax they stopped working I was taking 15-20 bars at a time and felt nothing but I couldn’t stop even now with no tolerance when I relapse I still feel nothing but I always buy more knowing they won’t work

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How did you get off it? Benzos

I went cold turkey, I had two seizures but I was finally able to kick the physical addiction but the mental addiction is still there

Jesus. I’m terrified of what will happen when I stop it.

I suggest tapering off slowly the chances of seizures are much much lower. Be safe and best of luck

Man I feel for ya because I have been there. I wish I had some infinite wisdom to offer you but as I read and thought about my own addictions the only answer that kept coming to the forefront is I finally became desperate. I realized that I truly am powerless and how my life was completely unmanageable. Sick and tired of being sick and tired. It was not easy in the beginning because I had to set my mind to I'm gonna do this. I found meetings, a sponsor, and work the steps. Today my life is much easier, I still do meetings, still have sponsor, and today I am sponsoring other guys. I think for me being able to give back gives me strength but also help me stay out of myself. Stay positive and know that there is a solution :blush:

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maybe they were shitty presses, like etizalam often makes people feel not high, when they are high indeed. i remember years back i bought some pressed hulks and would take 15 and didn’t feel a thing

Jesus...that stuff is brutal. Gotta get passed em man. Do what you gotta do.

Benzos and alcohol are the two that can actually kill you from the withdrawal. Please seek medical detox when you decide to get off of them because it's not worth the risk. Your life is worth saving you have a purpose even though you may not feel like it or think you do.