I was going through messages I have sent this Sunday

I was going through messages I have sent this Sunday when I was rolling my tits, super drunk. Horrible, such a horrible person. If this shit is making me behave like that, I am fucking done with that shit. I hate myself, hate myself so bad


Move forward. We can't change yesterday. Learn from your actions and don't repeat them so you don't have to participate in self hatred. You can do it! But you've gotta want to :wink:


That's right Julie. Yesterday is in the past and tomorrow isn't promised. That leaves today--the present tense.

Ajay: You now have a powerful tool at your disposal. It's called "Who I was on Sunday." You can now use it to remind yourself how alcohol affects you. :pray:

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Haha. I made my mind. Decided, I just need support on weekends. Someone who I could have a lil conversation with, to divert my temptation. I might call my brothers this weekend

Thanks John. It's a powerful. Retrospection is showing my insensitive blindspots. I am ready for a change and I think it has begun


That's a great attitude Ajay! Run with it. :+1:

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Man, I'm honestly not into all the spiritual stuff. But, that one serenity thing really helps me when I feel the way you are now.

"Have the strength to realize the things you can not change. And the strength to change the things you can. And be wise to know the difference."

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Thanks alot thomas