I was at a Dollar Tree last night and there

I was at a Dollar Tree last night and there was a lady and two kids behind me in the LONG line. One was a big kid, one was a toddler. The bigger one had a pack of glow sticks and the baby was screaming for them so the Mom opened the pack and gave him one; which stopped his tears. He walked around with it smiling, but then the bigger boy took it and the baby started screaming again. Just as the Mom was about to fuss at the older child, he bent the glow sticks and handed it back to the baby. As we walked outside at the same time, the baby noticed that the stick was now glowing and his brother said "I had to break it so you could get the full effect from it." I almost ran because l could hear God saying to me, "I had to break you to show you why I created you. You had to go through it so you could fulfill your purpose."
That little baby was happy just swinging that "unbroken" glow stick around in the air because he didn't understand what it was created to do which was "glow". There are some people who will be content just "being" but some of us have been chosen by God to be "broken". We have to get sick. We have to lose a job. We go through divorce. We have to suffer with the disease of addiction. We have to bury our spouse, parents, best friend, or our child because, in those moments of desperation, God is breaking us, but when the breaking is done, then we will be able to see the reason for which we were created.. so when you see us glowing just know that we have been broken but healed by his Grace and Mercy!!!


David, this is a beautiful post and story! I have chills from reading it. Thank you for sharing.


Wow… today really sucked… I needed this. Thanks


Nice! Great way to look at things.

Thank you. Sobriety also found me rediscovering my love of writing. God has blessed me with an artistic talen. I just never utilized it.



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Love this!!!

I love to hear things like this. I’ve noticed sobriety has really awakened my creative abilities too. What do you like to write?

Look me up on FB.
True North 1440

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Will do!

Omgoodness. David. I love this story. You have to keep sharing this testimony. G.o.d. was definitely speaking to you, through kids. G.o.d. will use any-THING, any-ONE, and ANY-SITUATION to teach and mold us. I also heard of a Pastor saying a story of how we are clay shaped into beautiful vases. But 1st just like a vase we go through constant molding…then put in fire to harden…then taken out to be removed and reshaped then put back in the fire….. until we are perfect in the eyes of G.o.d. sometimes we need to go through the fire several times to harden ourselves to get the strength we need to be beautiful and defend against the enemy. Love your story David. Keep sharing it. :fist_right:t2::fist_left:t2:

I enjoyed that….thanks slot I'm enjoying this app so far….anyone here from vt?