I want to tell you something — You have an

I want to tell you something — You have an appointment. I’m talking to somebody who has an appointment, but you’ve been disappointed. What happens in our hearts is that we get disappointed in our circumstances. We get disappointed in the people that don’t help us along the way. But just because you’re disappointed in people, don’t jump off the ship and drown in the sea. Did you hear me? Just because people let you down, don’t give up on God, who never will.

Just because you lost a job, don’t stop trusting that God is your provider. Jehovah Jireh. That’s still His name. Jehovah Ropheka. He’s still a healer. You’re still gonna get there. You’re still going to make it because you have an appointment by God. Some of the stuff that you’re going through right now is getting you to the places that you asked God to take you. Just because you don’t like how you’re getting there, don’t give up on it.

By faith, go ahead and say it right now in this chat: “I have an appointment.” #letsgetit


I have an appointment

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