I want to stop drinking and start living

I want to stop drinking and start living.

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Hi Shay,
Well good for you! If you haven't stopped yet, set a stop date and keep to it! You probably need professional help to safely detox.. please don't try to detox on your own.. Get your supports in place, and start living now.
Reach out to me on DM on this app, if you'd like to talk.
Hang in there and go for your goal. Remember, don't give up yourself!

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You can. Now, that you've established a goal what are your objectives?

Well Welcome Shay

Hi :raising_hand_woman: Shay! Right there with you!

Way to go!! Welcome

Honest me going into a meeting saved my soul.. I no longer felt lost or sad but loved and welcome in a room that shares similar life experiences

Helps a whole lot if u just listen