I want to smoke weed

I want to smoke weed.

I get it

I used to smoke an eighth a day, now I just smoke a tiny bit before bed. Progress not perfection for me, still count the days since the last time I had a drink/ did any hard drugs.

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It helped a bit when sobering, or at least made a nice distracting crutch. Still have it around and think the same on occasion. Then anaylytical J kicks in realizing the dopamine surge will be cool for a bit, but the neurotransmitter lull and fog after isn't the kind of steadily sober mind I'm into anymore. I know I'll just want to smoke more, to rebalance, but that kind of reminds me of pounding 6 straight drinks to bring my BAC up high enough to stop the shakes. To each their own. I'm just a drunk addict and will always want more so tend to avoid that door.

I’m afraid if I smoke I’ll instantly want to use heroin. Or I’ll work up to it.

I’m 4 months clean, I just want the obsession gone

Takes the body a while to rebalance and the desire to fade. If you're doing step work, chatting w/ your Higher Power & the obsession persists, Naltrexone tablets, or the injection form Vivitrol is helpful to many.

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