I want to drink or use so bad. I am

I want to drink or use so bad.
I am not okay!
I am stuck at home alone, while entire family and my significant other celebrates my sons birthday and fireworks.
My heart is shattered.
I hate life


Hi Maggie,

Can you call the hotline?

I don’t know how

Oops. aa.org


All the more reason you shouldn't be alone right now oh. You should be at an AA meeting with other people that have been where you are at. I try to tell people all the time to quit playing this alone game.

What you're feeling right now is pretty much normal. It's going to take some time to feel happy joyous and free. The question is, what are you doing in order to get there? Do you have a program in place? Are you going to AA meetings?

If you're going to try the AA route, do you have a sponsor that can take you through the 12 steps? You're only going to get out of it what you put into it. And the worst thing you can do is try to do it alone.

This app will help you find meetings.

I'm here to tell you that it really, really gets better. Sobriety is definitely the easier softer way. But it's going to take some time to make this transition and feel the rewards. I hope you will trust me on this. A day at a time. First things first.


Take the advice Maggs. Hit a zoom meeting! :muscle:

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Nothing gets better if you pick up! This is not your forever - you feel like shit now - you know how you’ll feel if you pick up. Think the drink through- where does it always lead you?
This too shall pass
Take the suggestions you e been given- get your ass to a meeting

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I have been there to many times,life choices that lay hell before me ,hard to make the healthy choice today if yesterday's choices are pointing at major depression. All you have is right now. Shift gears, give it to God and hold on to your ass.


I agree! Go to an AA meeting. Share how you're feeling!

Maggi power alone won't keep you sober

Hey I will hopefully see you at the noon mtg soon, hang in there. I am usually there 3 or 4 days a week. Msg. if you need a hookup with support/sponsor. Just keep coming back, things will sort out with time.


Thanks Steve

You gotta try and keep busy ! I’m sorry

