I want help ... This is not me

I do not want to live my life this way... I want to fix everything that makes me go fuck the world I'll be back... I like the world... I want to be better And do better... I want more... I am not happy... And I put myself and others through a lot of pain... But I don't know how to fix any of it...

Hey Mike. I think we’ve all felt a version of what youre going through right now. It really sucks, but it’s important you at least give yourself some credit for recognizing you want to make a positive change. I think getting sober will be a good place to start. Are you in any treatment or recovery programs?


Hey, yeah recognizing you have a problem is the first step and only you can fix it. Are there any AA/NA meetings in or around your city? You can google it to find out. Also, theres a free app called “In The Rooms” that you can download and listen to and/or participate in that has an abundance of different meetings online. The first 30 days of sobriety can be daunting and trying, but you owe it to yourself to give it a try. I'm not telling you what to do, but there is help out there. So.. yeah, maybe I am kinda telling u what to do lol, just give it a try man.

The admitting is the 1st step no that u can’t do it alone so reach out an get on with living

Hi Mike. As everyone else stated go to treatment. Getting sober is one of the best or best thing for you now.

If you know or feel you've done others wrong: apologize and ask for forgiveness.

I know both scenarios sound scary. You may have fear because you're not sure if you'll succeed. You're afraid you may not be forgiven. Those are totally normal emotions.

Please start...