I wanna use so bad right now but I know

I wanna use so bad right now but I know I got the strength and willpower to stay strong. I had emergency surgery yesterday and it was horrible find out I had a miscarriage and the Dr knew it and still tried going Ving me hope for weeks now and it's caused me so many infections now. My mom called the ambulance Sunday cuz I woke up covered n blood. All the fucken er did was gave me a urine pregnancy test congratulations ur pregnant go home call ur Dr. Wtf and here almost a week later I'm still bleeding bad

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Remember your not alone, if you need to talk you can message me

Thank you

I don't know how to send private message

I don’t either🤣

You need to become “friends” with one another to be able to send direct messages.

Sending healing vibes :sparkles::yellow_heart:


Take care of yourself. That definitely does not involve using. Eat some healthy food, drink some herbal tea, rest, relax and recuperate. Your body needs healing as does your mind. Reach out here to get support. We are all here for you. We all know pain. We are all with you.



Thanks but ended up getting admitted


You have to be friends to send a private message it appears

Even ppl I'm friends with I still can't figure it out

I friend requested you so I should be able to send a message

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