I wanna hear everyone’s side effects & thoughts on vivitrol?

I wanna hear everyone’s side effects & thoughts on vivitrol? I’ve gotten four shots so far, and the first shot helped a lot with cravings but now not so much. Also my nightmares are terrible.

I have never tried the shots! I just started taking it in pill form again.

The first time I took it I was sober the longest I have been in years.

I'm sorry your side effects are so awful! How often do you get them?

I get the cravings all the time but I handle that with anxiety medication. And the nightmares are about 2-3 times a week. The first two shots I also stayed up 48 hrs but now that it’s settling in my body I sleep well.

Oh interesting. What is the shot for if it doesn't help the cravings?

It’s suppose to help, but I have no idea lol. But it supposedly blocks opiates and alcohol but you’re right I don’t see the point if it’s not helping with cravings. :joy::joy:

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I dont even pretend to know enough about these things haha! Just curiosity is all. All I know is I tried the whole thing where I have a drink or so while taking the med and it resulted in me still drinking to excess and being sick the next day.

I did however notice a difference in the cravings for sure

The shot and pill are the same, only the pill wears off faster so you take it daily, the shot is made to last the whole month and block the opiates from your system as well as help cravings, some people can have allergies to either one.. I liked them both but the shot tended to wear off for me around the second week and so had cravings bad.. once I took the pills instead it helped my cravings more, I think my brain just thought hey here is the pill that helps daily and it was kinda a mental thing with me also. Don't give up and talk to your Dr, everyones recovery is different, I actually am in mat treatment now because I relapsed a few times and seemed like I needed something more, so I'm in sub outpatient clinic, two yrs sober now!

I was always reluctant to try the shot. I'm six years clean but used subs. Great work for taking the step to get clean!

The more shots u get the more ur body becomes tolerant same as using. Each shot has less n less effectiveness. I’ve only gotten one so far n as I understand it alcohol won’t hurt u but opiates are fatal for overdose if taken while on vivitrol however it’s supposed to stop the craving for both. If ur cravings are very strong talk to ur dr about the shot n don’t get it if it’s not helping. It’s still got side affects so y suffer those if it’s not doing what it’s meant for ya know. U said ur able to calm ur cravings with anxiety meds I think I read, maybe up the dosage on those. Good luck to u I hope all works out well

I think it is a bandaid, not a cure. It has to potential to buy some time while working on early recovery. But I also think recovery, especially early recovery is by any means necessary. Is the juice worth the squeeze? Maybe, maybe not....just a thought! :v:

Don't rely on one thing. Have backup strategies.
Use every tool you can find.

I've heard mixed reviews. I hear it works great and then I've heard that the shot starts wearing off in two weeks. I think it has a lot to do with metabolism and how active you are. I got offered Vivitrol when I was in Portland Or and opted for subs. I've been clean six years off opiates. I'll pray for you I know there is a lot of avenues for medicated assisted treatment I just think it's a personal choice. Suboxone worked wonders for me. I have heard that it takes a few months to adjust to the vivitrol. I was always apprehensive in trusting a shot for 30 days but some people swear by it. Good luck keep us posted!

I'm on my second shot. I took the first one before I got out of my 30 days in treatment. Then I got my second shot last month. And I'm getting my next and third shot on the 16th of April. I use it to help with blocking the opiate cravings. So far so good. No real side effects for me except for maybe a little bruising for a day or two. I do notice that I still have occasional triggers or cravings. I've also had dreams of using that have woken me up. But it hasn't been anything I haven't been able to play out and remember I don't want to use! That's all I got on it really. I seen someone mentioned that you can build a tolerance to it just like anything else and that makes sense to me. I intend on using it for six or seven months total. Just so I can get through that initial 6 months and through the PAWS syndrome. Hope this helps in some way! Sorry your having such difficult side effects!

I really didn’t notice anything