I’ve made it to day 7. I’m still real anxious

I’ve made it to day 7. I’m still real anxious and struggling. I just want to feel better

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That’s definitely not a fun place to be. What are you seven days off of?

Off of alcohol.

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Everybody is different and it definitely depends on how long you were drinking… but you should be at the tail end of the physical side of things. If your anxiety is caused by the physical withdrawal, it should start getting better soon.

However if your anxiety is a regular and chronic issue (and possibly one of the reasons you were drinking in the first place)… it’s gonna likely last and or get worse until you do something to deal with it. Especially since you no longer have the alcohol to self medicate.

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I am on medications for anxiety. I think it’s the physical Withdrawls. My body aches at a certain time each day for the last 3 days and I get a headache. It lasts about 45 mins then stops. It’s hard

It shouldn’t be too much longer till you start feeling better then. Unless there’s something else going on but I’m sure it’s just likely part of the post acute withdrawal symptoms (PAWS)

Congratulations on your 7 days. It's a great start. You can't expect to feel like a million bucks after 7 days. That feeling of happy joyous and free takes time. It gets better and better one day at a time.
It sure does help though if you can be around other people that have gone through the same thing you're going through. Meeting rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous are a great place to be for support.
Get some phone numbers and use them.

It gets better. What is a paraprofessional?

Oh my, I spent years feeling overwhelmed with this disease, at one point the meetings where 60 miles away, I drove there on my days off, it was woth every second, most of my relationships are from AA meetings because I don't smoke gamble or drink, so you could say AA was my social life.

It took me a couple of weeks to feel better. I got really anxious just before it got better.

Thank you all! This is my first time going through this and not being in an inpatient facility. It’s a lot harder with all the temptations around. I am determined to make it though. Day 8 here I am.

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Give it some time. Try some meditation. Serenity prayer every morning always helps me. Remember yesterday is in the past 1 day at a time. You got this

Thank you Ryan