I’ve got 10 months as of yesterday. Lately I’m feeling

I’ve got 10 months as of yesterday. Lately I’m feeling some paws symptoms and a general cloud of apathy. I’ve been thinking about drinking and the consequences of these actions. I know I won’t slip, however, just this morning, my old best friend popped into my head right as I woke up. I am committed to my new lifestyle, generally happy, but feeling pretty down for the last couple of weeks. Like I’m not really here. How’s everyone else doing? Can you relate? I know I’ll feel better soon, but it’s helpful to have some folks to talk to.

I'm sorry you're feeling a little off! I think that's pretty normal for us from time to time, especially around the holidays.

I don't think it's PAWS, my understanding of that precludes it from happening for you at this stage of the game. Sounds to me like you're just hitting that winter/holiday slump.

I'm really glad you don't feel like picking up, that's great! When I start feeling like you are right now, I try and really kick a few things into high gear, namely exercise, service work, my gratitude lists, meeting attendance and reaching out to the recovery community, meditation, and giving myself a break with some fun activities I.e. spoiling myself a little bit with some extra self care.

Just don't pick up no matter what! It sounds like you're not going to, and that's the big thing, so congrats! You deserve to be proud of that time you've kept doing the right thing for yourself. I hope maybe something I said has been helpful, and if not I'd be happy to talk to you more or just listen if you need to vent or get something off your chest.. which is to say, you've definitely got support here, and I know I'm not the only one.

Hope the rest of your day goes great :+1:

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Thanks Matt!
I’ve done some research as to why I am feeling this way, and read that paws can last off and on for months, even a couple years?

I mean it's possible! I'm definitely not a doctor so take what I said with a grain of salt. If it's affecting you that significantly you might want to talk to a professional. I've been in and out of treatment a lot and I've always heard that it can be a couple months, but again, I don't claim to be an expert. Perhaps I shouldn't have spoken so assuredly. I've just never personally heard of paws recurring at this stage of recovery.

One thing I do know is that stuff I listed will probably make you feel at least a little better no matter what the cause is

I hope you start to feel better soon and I'm glad you reached out when you were struggling. I hope I didn't give you bad info! I'll make sure to research the topic more myself

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