I’ve been trying to kick my binge habit for years

I’ve been trying to kick my binge habit for years now. I’ll go days without booze but when Friday/Saturday hit I lose all control. I’m a totally functioning human being and my problem isn’t well known amongst my friends or family because I live a pretty good life. Is there any good advice out there for someone like me trying to manage to enjoy his weekends without blacking out?

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My question is: why do you drink on weekends? Is it to unwind from work? Figure out the root cause and find a solution.

Read our daily tip. It would benefit you.


Thanks for the reply. I guess I would say it’s to unwind from the stresses of everyday life. It’s like an escape I guess that I’ve been used to doing since my college years. A weekend without drinking sadly seems empty.

I see it the opposite way brother. I look back at all the empty weekends I wasted by being drunk/hung over. All the days of guilt and shame. The occasions missed or tarnished by my bad behavior. The blackouts that I’ll never get back. That’s the emptiness.

Now my weekends are full of whatever I want them to be full of. Instead of whiskey I can choose anything else in the world. But when I was drinking, I only had 1 choice.


I gotta start looking at it more like you

I think it’s just tough when all my friends are drinkers so I’m around it all the time. And at this point these guys are my best friends who I wouldn’t change for the world.

They’re your friends. they’ll support you. And you’ll meet people along your journey who don’t drink too.