I’ve been struggling with my addiction for 4 years and

I’ve been struggling with my addiction for 4 years and I’ve had multiple overdoses and relapses. I tried getting clean and sober on my own but recently relapsed again and now I’m having a hard time and feeling so alone.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Please don’t give up. There is light on the sober side. Your life can change drastically. Do you have any support at all? Can you get to a meeting and ask for help? I’m not sure what your circumstances are, you may need inpatient help. I can talk to you if you just need a shoulder.

I just need support and to form better friendships then what I’ve been forming. I keep running back to the old people who I was using with and it has caused me to fall back drastically.


NA & AA meetings are great places to form friendships. They understand and are most likely clean and sober. We are creatures of habit. Sometimes you just have to force yourself to get to those meetings until that is the new habit. Try not to do the seemingly easy thing and perpetuate the old habits. It’s actually the hard thing. Is there anyone in your life you can rely on to help you?

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I’ve been trying to find a group I’m comfortable with

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Same here

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Hi Nikki,

Getting clean and sober won’t be comfortable in the beginning. Withdraw sucks Learning how to feel without using sucks. But after the first 10 days or 2 weeks you’ll have a day that doesn’t suck as much as the day before.

Go to meetings. All the meetings you can get to. And see a doctor. Because detox can kill ya.

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And I love the cape. I’ll be there in a couple weeks. One of my favorite places on earth.


I’m not sure which of my posts you said awesome to. Hopefully is the one sobriety one.


Sorry Nikki

Not yet no


Don't try and do it on your own that never works I've been through a ton of stuff in the past couple years and I managed to put together a year-and-a-half if I can do it you can... If you need support hit me up
