I’ve been sober from alcohol for 1 year and 3

I’ve been sober from alcohol for 1 year and 3 months. Now I’m struggling with Xanax. Has anyone switched addictions? I need some advice. :pleading_face:


I guess not really advice per say but anyone with a similar experience.

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Can I ask what your prescription is for

How long have you been taking this?


2 years but now I’m taking more than I should.

Talk with your doctor tell him your an alcoholic and see if he can prescribe you something else

I have been Sober 12 Years and was on Zanaflex and they switched me to Buspar! It helps alot and you don't get addicted!

I meant Zanax!

If you use one substance for another you’re still just trying to cover up whatever pain or emotions you’re trying to avoid. Drug use is a symptom of a deeper issue almost universally.

Ohhh girl I did the same thing. I wen from alcohol to xanax then both. If you can you should talk to your doctor! I would try something that isn’t addictive. I was prescribed Xanax and I took it for a few years I realize now I don’t need it

Xanax is in the drug category of benzos its basically alcohol in pill form the brain can't tell the difference. Please find a new Dr benzo detox is hell. Praying for you much love

I did while I was deep in my addiction. From alcohol to meth.
Now I’m focused on healing and healthy habits, like exercise, healthy foods and mindfulness practice.
I had to get my mind right.

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