I’ve been sober for a month and never really thought

I’ve been sober for a month and never really thought I’d get to this point and it feel this easy. However I have a bachelor part coming up next month and am toying with enjoying that with or without alcohol involved. I feel like I can control it if I leave it to this one occasion but it feels honestly weird at this point to even reach for a beer. It’s an interesting state of mind.

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Play it through in your head. How do you think you would feel should you drink again? Be honest with yourself. Do you really want to go back to a meeting and say you have one day? Would you beat yourself up?


At week 3-4 I was starting to doubt if my addiction and drinking was really that bad.. but I recognized how irrational that line of thinking is and it was just my addiction trying to convince my brain it was ok to use or drink again. So I looked it up, and sure enough - week 3-5 is usually when your brain tries to trick you into thinking you aren’t an addict, and can stop at one drink or one hit of a drug. Just my opinion, since I was struggling with the same thinking recently!


It’s like there’s 2 minds combating each other. The one who says “you can drink and control it” vs the one who says “you shouldnt even try drinking again”. Its tough because I was always a weekender to begin with so Sunday through Thursday I never touched alcohol so I do have some discipline. It’s just those weekend days where I’m rolling the dice. And 9/10 times I’d be okay but that 1 time every 2-3 months I’d black out. I feel like I’m playing with fire.

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I’m already second guessing if I’m
Okay to drink and I’m only on day two. Because some days I can have a glass of wine. Some weeks I don’t drink during the week, but like you it’s weekends. And once I have a drink and feel some release, I want more. I’ve embarrassed myself more than once and my husband who I’m failing. Not talking to me really right now. And it’s not something specific except being incredibly drunk. I also started to hide it. I know it was spiraling, but like you, I also felt it isn’t always like that. But maybe I’m trying to convince myself I’m not that bad….I’m on day 2 and I know I have a pattern. And that is going to require more abstinence for a while. It’s so conflicting in my head and with the stress of my relationship now on edge, makes me want to drink which what landed me here to begin with!

Sorry for rambling. I felt this thread really related to how I’m feeling.

Congrats on your 1 month!


I would try to get through a big social event without drinking. But always have something in your hand to drink (non alcoholic) to avoid temptation of needing to order or someone putting something in your hand!

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Also remember your tolerance will be lower which could lead to blackout faster. Something to keep in mind for sure

That’s the disease talking! I would have the same conversation in my head. Then 3 months later I’m an asshole drunk who hates the world. Who goes skinny dipping in their best friends pool at his little girls 10th birthday party! Drinking is stupid! Period!

Don’t be sorry! Our stories are quite similar. It’s good to hear I’m not alone.

That second voice saying you can drink in moderation is the addiction talking, it’s not as valid as the logical one. My father said the same thing countless times and never kicked it. In my experience zero tolerance has worked. I gave up some incredible experiences to fight my battles. It sounds like the best choice could be to skip the bachelor party. I am certain your friend would understand. Not worth it to jeopardize your progress.

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Especially if you’re only a month in. When your new patterns of not drinking are better established it may go differently.

Why risk it? You have a disease that wants to kill you and it will allow you to justify ANYTHING if it means 'just this once' or 'one should be ok'... If you were to get hit by a train, it's going to be the first car that kills you, not the last. If you're a real alcoholic, one will never be enough; it just awakens the need for more. In social situations, there are 3 suggestions that help me: Keep a non-alcoholic beverage (or two) in your hands- if you're already drinking something, people will be less likely to offer you a drink... Drive your own vehicle so you can leave if it becomes too much, and have an accountability buddy- maybe even a friend there who knows what's going on and who can remind you that a drink probably isn't a good idea. The coolest thing about navigating social situations sober is that you get to REMEMBER everything the next day :rofl: Good luck to you :blush:

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Idk any of you guys at all but I’m thankful for you all. Joining this app is the best decision I ever made. Love you all

I used to think the same way saying I'll only save it for hunting or fishing trips but then I it turns into the same bad habits so it just not worth I have thought about possibly have Heinken 0 because it has 0 percent alcohol in it but wouldn't mind having a few fishing or something still weighing on that whole situation most na beers still have alcohol but it's very minimal I would want something that is truly 0 I honestly like being sober my head is clear and everything seems better thats just my situation everyone is different

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