I’ve been sober for 4 years and I find i

I’ve been sober for 4 years and I find it boring and have no life


You have the whole world at your doorstep! You can now design anything you want to because you are no longer a slave with a crutch. Try a new hobby, a new sport, a new instrument... or pick up where you left off with anything that you once were interested in. Go for a hike! Ride a bike! Explore o new town. Volunteer at a food pantry. Make yourself available on a help line.
You’ve got this. Let us know what you do and how it works! Work it! YOU’RE WORTH IT!


Try new things

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OK new things like.. What could be more effective

Hi Chris, I would view this as you life telling you it’s time to tweak something. I do think we need to learn to accept living in the 3/7 range on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being wild and crazy positive and 1 being the absolute negative pits. We don’t have to trade those highs in anymore for nasty lows, and to me that is something to be thankful for.

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Hey Chris. What particularly do you find boring?

All i fo is work i go to the gym at 2;00 am l thank god that it’s open 24/7 I take my ex out to eat once a week I even go into work for nothing no pay because I’m up so early and there’s nothing to do o have screwed up sleeping hours that I can’t break

That is one of the reasons that the creator of the app did so. He was tired of just having coffee shops. There is an event locator, but because of covid everything went to virtual events.

Sounds like you need fellowship, which is something I struggle with at the moment too because most of my friends still drink. Try planning activities or an event like a vacation to look forward to. The consequences of drinking are not worth it.

I just try to keep busy all my friends still drink so you know people places and things so my hobbies are eating and working out I’m going to go on a vacation soon I don’t know were yet but somewhere I have already got my to shots because I work at the university so that’s good for me thanks for your reply

It sounds like you need to make new friends that don’t drink.

I am in the same boat

Ya but it’s not easy especially with this pandemic what are you doing up sounds like you have the same sleeping issues well I’m off to the gym

Musical instrument
Soup dumplings
Building a potato launcher
Restoring an old car

Ok there u go

Hmm so maybe it’s not that sobriety is boring, but more so that your life is set up right now in a way that doesn’t even allow you to have fun? That’s not fair to you ... we all deserve to enjoy yourselves and get leisure time. What did you like doing as a kid? Any hobbies you remember

One thing I have to remember for myself my life was boring when I was drinking. Your life is only as boring as you wanna make it. People places and things are things that we need to change. Even if it means moving to another state to get away from people places and things. Look at what’s making your life boring now and change it. Change your life 4 Years ago. I’m always changing something in my life because I get boring. Do things that you’ve never done before.