I’ve been sober for 39 days and need some advice

I’ve been sober for 39 days and I’ve been doing really well but I feel really weak right now. Any pointers besides an NA meeting?

Do you have a lady friend to call?

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If not. Please hit a meeting get some numbers

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If you are attending meetings, did you get a sponsor? That'd be the person to talk with.

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Congratulations on 39 days that’s an AMAZING accomplishment! Keep going & remember you are NEVER alone. Can always ask your higher power to help you.

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Thank you so much. My husband is my reAson. I just get foggy sometimes and forget but writing this out really helped me. Thank you all for writing to me. I don’t have a sponsor yet but I usually tell my husband (who is my rock and never even tried a drug ) that I’m feeling weak and he usually empowers me but we were celebrating his birthday tonight and he’s feeling sick from all the food so I didn’t want to tell him tonight that’s why I reached out for help. I can’t get to a meeting so is there anything else you all do to help empower yourselves ?

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I need support from people like use .who understand us.not my better half.and get woman’s phone numbers.

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With god all things are possible. Hugs

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Doing much better. Day 42! Thank you xo

Zoom meeting for aa .they say 90in90.go to a lot of meeting to start with will help .later on in life

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There's strength in numbers. Connect. No matter how good or bad the day is: connect.