I’ve been sober for 12 days and I feel like

I’ve been sober for 12 days and I feel like crap, I have a lot on me and I feel so alone….is there anyone out there who isn’t drinking or using drugs? How do I make new friends when all I know are addicts and alcoholics???

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You find new places. It is new places where we find new people. I tell folks all the time, I don't go to a car dealer looking for a gallon of milk.

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you made it 12 days and that is a HUGE step, especially at the beginning when you’re trying to straighten out your life - be proud of yourself! If you made it this far you can keep going!

Thanks, I’m tryin’. :+1:

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That’s the most important part

12 days is awesome! I’m only at 2 and feel just as you do. It’s hard and I’m trying to just sit with the feelings even though it sucks. I don’t have much advice. Everyone I know drinks. I know I’ve considered seeking out going to church based activities/groups but it’s hard because I work 9-10 hrs a day. But I know that’s the only way I’ll start manifesting more positive relationships.

Well, not exactly the “only” way, I’ll be a positive friend If that’s ok with you, I have no friends, not sober ones anyway.

And not everyone you know drinks now, nice too meet you! :grin:

Now you have at least 3 new ones, Welcome and You will get lots more just keep up the willingness, go to meetings, reach out and be honest. You got this!!!

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Thank you!

Well first of all, the reason you feel like crap is you have removed the pain killer but you haven't removed what's causing the pain. When you get into the program of Alcoholics Anonymous you take the 12 steps which is the program of recovery.
Congratulations on staying sober for 12 days but know that this is not a long time at all and you are just getting started. Before I would search for new friends out in the world, I would make some acquaintances in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous so you can learn more about the disease and how it affects you. After you have made it through the 12 steps you will have learned a new way of life which will enable you to go out into the world and make some friends while keeping some boundaries. We can make new friends by taking on new hobbies. I took up flying airplanes and made all kinds of new friends at the airports. But remember there are people that drink in all areas of life and some may have a problem and some may not. Some may have a problem but don't believe that they have a problem. Some may have never touched a drop of alcohol in their lives oh. That's why we need boundaries.
Remember, first things first.

Read this Jason. If you get into the program and find a sponsor to help you take the 12 steps, you won't feel like crap any more and you'll be ready to go out into the world and make some new friends.


Thanks Dave, I will do that.

All I can say is embrace the pain. It doesn’t last but you must wait it out. Things will begin to change for you, the longer you don’t drink or use.

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Welcome! You are in the right place. I remember those first few days and weeks being sober and they sucked. I was in a relationship with an active addict and I had to make a decision to have the willingness to make the changes needed so that alcohol and drugs were no longer necessary for me to cope with my life. It was had for me to be honest , which is the first principle that coincides with Step one , honest with myself and with anyone else, however once I was it was a total game changer and I began to change and in turn my life began to change. That is the miracle. When they say” stay until the miracle happens” I now know what they mean.
Unfortunately you have to go through it to get to it.
I hope you get an awesome sponsor who takes you through the 12 steps and you can have the promises come true in your life and all the wonderful things in this program given to that has been so freely given to me.

Jason, I feel what you're saying more than I can verbalize. I'm on day 14 and miserable.

And yes Jason, it's normal for life to suck right now. It does get better if we do what is suggested to us in AA

People, places and things... try new sober activities or going to new places where you can meet sober people meetings are great for that and there are all kinds!

I’m here my man!.. I’m struggling myself..