I’ve been on and off sober for the past t

i’ve been on and off sober for the past two years, longest i’ve made it was 8 months. it was extremely hard, friendships and relationships fizzled out the longer i stayed sober. any advice for dealing with loneliness in recovery? i’ve been feeling the “itch” but keep reminding myself that caving is not worth the inevitable downfall. no matter how many times i hear “just have one”, i want to feel safe and secure in saying no and i just don’t right now. especially dealing with feelings of loneliness. thanks in advance :heart:

Hey Kristina! Have you tried getting to know anyone from meetings or a recovery support group? My network has almost doubled since I got out of treatment 6 months ago and I can honestly say that my friends in recovery are some of the best, and ones that will be lifelong friendships! Keep your chin up, keep saying no, and be proud of yourself for not caving. It’s unfortunate that loneliness comes with the territory, but things will get better in time. Recovery is REAL, and you can do it!

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thank you so much for your comment! i haven’t actually tried any meetings or anything yet, i’ve been rather nervous, but i definitely plan to! i see this has has some good resources so i’m going to start there absolutely. loneliness really is a struggle especially still dealing with lockdowns but finding ways to adapt is key!

Hi Kristina have you found a meeting, yet?

Take it 1 day at a time. It's not worth starting over. What activities do you enjoy?