I’ve been in recovery before

I’ve been in recovery before but recently I’ve been drinking, not much but some is the problem. I don’t want to but I end up having a few glasses of wine. I’m not sure why I just do and I really don’t want to, so, why do it, if I really don’t want to but still do

You have to figure out what's triggering it. There must be some benefit, some unfulfilled need. Once you figure out what it is you can try swapping it out with another behavior. It's not easy. At least you are making an effort.


Take it one day at a time..

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Thank you. Wanting to feel happy in the evening’s. It makes me more energetic and happier.

If I go to the store later in the afternoons and I see it then I think I should get it encase I want it later but having it I’ll drink it so :woman_shrugging:t3:

I know that feeling, especially when you go to the store..I just make a list of what I need an thats all I get..Then I'll go for long walk or hike if I have the craves. What ever helps.

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How long have you been drinking normally? I ask because I tend to start as a social and responsible drinker and within six weeks I’m a flaming alcoholic.

It's called obsession. The Big Book of AA has much to say about it

The problem is you stop drinking but you are not into the solution. Nothing changes if nothing changes. What is the solution you might ask?
Right here
How It Works

I think this is important and will think on this Meredith. What need is it fulfilling in me and how can I find healthy ways to fulfill that need.

I don't know what your goals are but there is a good book called "Controlling Your Drinking" with tools to make moderation work. The data shows there are more problem drinkers than severely dependent alcoholics. The problem drinker population is ignored. Treatment with a goal of moderation is controversial but it can work for those with less severe dependence. Abstinence isn't the only path. Behavioral Self-Control Training is just as effective as AA according to the research.

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Hi there,
Just like someone said on this thread, find your triggers. Not only ask yourself what's causing this, but work towards dealing with them in a healthy way. But one day at a time.

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Thanks I’m not sure what it is just bc I don’t want to but I do sometimes

I actually have a mine behavioral book I’ve read before, maybe I should read it again. I don’t want to I just want to be able to when I want, joke right, it’s what we all think. Crazy I know, I just need to have more control and not give in. Thank you so much for responding

The phenomenon of craving. Try being intentional when you go to the grocery store and totally skip over the isle. Reach out to someone on here or go to a meeting. I completely understand where you're coming from and that's what helped me. I had to be mindful when I was out and avoid any people,places or things that triggered me. You can do this. Don't give up or beat yourself up when you fall that does no good. This is a great community you have several people here with quality sobriety that will help in an instant. Including myself. DM me if you ever need to chat.

Ok with dog you going to feed, white dog or the Black dog, today in the now its your choice

All of us alcoholics in recovery have the same decisions to make , don’t take the first drink !it doesn’t say we can’t think about it or have an urge to have it’s just the same for every last one of us ! Don’t take the first drink ! Step one is a must to accept and complete if we want to start our journey of recovery !