I’ve been having feelings on relapsing but I’ve been sober

I’ve been having feelings on relapsing but I’ve been sober for a little over a year. I’m with my daughter every day, have a healthy relationship and getting stuff back on track but lately I’ve wanted to use again

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That feeling is normal. I know you have lots of things working out for you- but us there anything that's less than perfect, i.e., work? That could be triggering. Or is there something missing that you want? Through it all you have the power to tell your cravings no.

I moved to a new state don’t know anybody which is kinda of a good thing but I haven’t started working yet so I know that is a big factor I have to much time to think

Have you found any meeting in your area? That may help

Sometimes we get so caught up in the sobriety side of the addiction that we lost the personal side which has to balance out in the end without being physically, emotionally and mentally focused we should at least be spiritually aware that there is a source of being higher than we ourselves that needs to be praised for allowing us to be free from a sickness that has token over us and we feeding it instead if starving it to get better.

There are no meetings close to me and I’ve forgotten who I am as a person