I’ve been drinking the whole last week and I feel

I’ve been drinking the whole last week and I feel unhealthy and want to quit, but I’m afraid that I can’t make it.

We all were there at one point. You can do it. If you knew how bad many of us with long term sobriety were you would be amazed. It may be one moment at a time for a while, but you can do it. Start with I chose to be sober right now.

Oh the devils joy,lonely only a app and a bottle, I hope you find a friend and sobriety out here. I make a few meetings a week, I see people with familys fall back out , when they find them selves alone, then its much harder to put your life together, so it makes sence. I have been looking into wisdom of Happiness, love relationships, friends seem to be the answer, How do you find Happiness while alone, God

Have you admitted that you’re powerless over alcohol? That’s step one. Literally. And you can make it!! You have to want to make it. No one else can make that decision for you. Meeting are really helpful! I have a few I attend daily/weekly on zoom and one in person. Let me know if you’d like the info. You’re more than welcome to hop on a zoom call, everyone is so welcoming and they’re all great listeners. I have 22 days sober thanks to these wonderful people. And god of course.