I’ve been binge drinking every night

I’ve been binge drinking every night for longer than I want to admit. I finally decided to try to look up how to get help today. I have to quit this cycle. I’m so tired. Any advice or success stories would be so appreciated. I don’t even know where to start.


I was that way to except it was all day, i gelt really nasty. What got me off of it to just one time per week or 2 at night was mainly just not drinking switchinjg to other drinks i like that are druggish , coffee, and things like that i had to get pretty sick of it

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I was in a land where i was some sort of narrator for a GROUP CHAT called poe pecker i was so drunk everyday all day. I couldnt stop making the group chats and really i made a huge scene hell i made a movie. But ultimately just drinking coffee, or tea, or even kratom is better if u wont get addicted would be better and i think is the easiest way to wean off hangovers ive found really arent that bad as portrayed in the media so dnt fear the hangover.


I agree with Brandon about coffee and kratom

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Bro has 10 yrs in two days. I am so glad I took him to his first mtg.

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Thank you guys. Last night was my first night not drinking liquor in months. One day at a time

Fellowship.. iron sharpens iron. And meetings can be a great distraction as well as occupy the time you would spend drinking. I have noticed that most of us have some deep seeded discontent with ourselves or our environment so just becoming okay with who you are where you are in life has lessened my desire to escape reality

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