I try to quit and I relapse. I am an

I try to quit and I relapse. I am an alchohollc and I have these relapses.

Recovery isn't linear, and a slip doesn't mean you're going back to where you started. Take it as a learning opportunity.

Relapse is a process that begins prior to picking up the first drink. Recovery is a process as well...start living in the solution my friend you will where you will find a new freedom and a new happiness :slightly_smiling_face:

Get to a meeting and do the next right step!

It’s ok. Don’t beat yourself up. Over 20 years I’ve had many relapses, but I keep getting off the mat. Always come back fighting. Each slip is a learning experience. Over the past ten years, 98% of my days have been sober. Is that a perfect record? Hell no. But I’m still proud of it.

If I could pull up all the posts of people who have been there, you would absolutely be inundated with stories that you can see yourself in. You aren't alone. You can come back from it.