I thought wife are supposed to get better

I thought wife are supposed to get better after three years sober. It’s only gotten worse. I have lost the love of my life and I would do anything to get her back. I don’t know what to do. Life was easier when I was drinking because at least I didn’t care.

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Can you see a therapist?

I’m in the same boat. This year has been a huge challenge for me my dad pasted away in July of last year and now my wife of 15 years wants a divorce. Page 417 acceptance prayer has been working and staying close to my network.

See a marriage counselor with your partner.

Sometimes sobriety makes us see the truth in the people we surround ourselves with. And sometimes we use drinking or not drinking as a crutch for the beginning or ending of personal relationships. You can't control her actions, only yours, so get in some counseling for yourself.

Sometimes, life has a way of having its dark days. I always hold to the ol axiom from the Bible. "Weeping endures for the night, but joy comes in the morning." It means simply that the sorrows of life only last so long.

I am dealing with similar circumstances. We are in counseling but it’s the trust factor that is completely broken. She says she just can’t trust me. As much as I completely understand I am doing everything I can to save my marriage. I do not want a divorce. She said she is filing but hasn’t yet and it’s been a couple months. We’ve been separated for 2 years now.