I struggle with food mostly. Also am alcohol but when

I struggle with food mostly. Also am alcohol but when I struggle emotionally i want food, when im happy I want food, I never feel that I can lose the weight and I'm just afraid

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Thank you <3

Hey Stephanie, here's a method that might be helpful for you:

1. Make a list of your beliefs about food. (For example, "Food makes me feel better." Your list will not be complete because most of your beliefs are subconscious, but making a list of what you're aware of will be helpful.)

2. Make a list of why you have these beliefs. (Did you parents give you cookies or candy when you were upset? Did your parents reward you with "treats" when you did something good? Do your best to identify when the relationship between food and comfort was firmly established. It may not be from your childhood. It could be from advertisements, spouse, peers, movies, etc. Again, most of your beliefs are subconscious, but making a list of what you're aware of will be helpful.)

3. Question your beliefs by asking "Is it true?" (For example, "Is it true that food makes me feel better?" You may feel better temporarily but, ultimately, emotional eating makes you feel worse, right? Honestly, it doesn't really matter whether your answer is yes or no. The key is to change the unhelpful belief to a helpful belief. That's the next step.)

4. Transform the unhelpful belief into a helpful belief. (For example, change the unhelpful belief "Food makes me feel better" to the helpful belief "I eat the right food at the right time to stay healthy and happy." You can transform this belief via hypnosis, repetition, etc.)

Emotional eaters use food to soothe unpleasant feelings and to temporarily solve anger, loneliness, and unhappiness because eating temporarily switches off their negative emotions.

Based on my research, personal experiences, and client feedback, the key emotional states that send people into emotional eating are anger, hurt, loneliness, betrayal, frustrations, jealousy, guilt, resentment, shame, helplessness, powerlessness, stress, tiredness, and many others that may be more subtle. But eating will never cure these feelings. It just makes them worse.

If you want to learn more about beliefs and how to change them, read my short article on https://www.unaddictable.org/beliefs.

I hope this was helpful for you. Let me know if you have any questions. :slightly_smiling_face:


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