I stopped abusing substances about three days ago. How can

I stopped abusing substances about three days ago. How can I cope with symptoms?

Hey Fernando, what symptoms are you experiencing?

Depersonalization is the worst and anxiety. Physically I feel tense and shaky. Like i cant catch my breath.

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I understand. I've experienced those symptoms myself. What have you tried so far to reduce/overcome them? Also, what are the stories you're telling yourself before/during these symptoms?

Ive been just doing my best to purge any pent up energy through healthy outlets like exercise, cooking and just talking to my partner.

I guess I overthink what ifs? Like will I have a siesure ? Will i develope psychosis? What if these sumptoms are from covid? What if i start feeling suicidal? I dont have the desire to relapse but all the symptoms of not using are taking a toll on me mentally and emotionally. The day i stopped using i had a crippling panic attack that cause my body to lock up and i cant bare the thought of going through that again.

Good, I hope those things have been helpful for you.

Also, you're not alone. Many people struggle with overthinking. Meditation, hypnotherapy, etc. can be helpful. Plus, another helpful strategy to reduce or overcome overthinking is to 1) reframe it as a skill/gift instead of a problem/curse, and 2) gamify it.

Turn it into a game to notice when you're overthinking and use overthinking as a cue to do something that you really want to do. With consistent practice, this will ignite a habit of metacognition (i.e., thinking about what you're thinking about), and you'll begin to detach from your thoughts and identify with them less.

All habits, whether mental or physical, follow the same loop: cue :arrow_right: routine :arrow_right: reward

Plus, all habits (good or bad) form the same way: they start small, they find a good spot in your routine, and they get strengthened via your emotions. So, when you reframe it, turn it into a game, and include these 3 elements, overthinking can become fuel for self-improvement and self-actualization until it eventually fades away.