I started drinking when I was 13… and then weed

I started drinking when I was 13… and then weed appeared into my life… I have made it the love of my life for 31 years… i am tired of hearing that weed is not a drug on sober sites…I was addicted and it has ruined so many relationships, goals, and dreams. Just like any other drug of choice. I am 10 days sober this time and have made a concrete decision to never go back… I need to get a sponsor and get to a meeting soon. Trying to do this on my own is a huge challenge for me… thankful I have a supportive Mom, that has never lost hope in me.. I hope that anyone struggling today can find a sense of Peace& Purpose… one day at a time…:pray:

Hi, Jody. Thanks for sharing. I'm proud of you for making the steps. It makes my heart swell with joy knowing your mom supports you.

You can find meetings at www.na.org

Hi Amanda. Thank you for your kind words… Much appreciated​:blush:.. also, thank you for the NA link. I went to an AA open-speaker meeting last night. I got my surrender token. I hope you are doing Great! Again, Thank you :yellow_heart:

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