I started drinking again yesterday. I hate IOP and listening

I started drinking again yesterday. I hate IOP and listening to other peoples problems. I don’t think I’ll ever live totally sober and it makes me feel like a failure

Ya, it can be annoying sometimes. I remember one of my classes where probably at least half of the three hours we had to listen to a guy complain about how pissed off he was because his girlfriend was going to try marriage counseling with her husband. So, what do you want out of life after IOP? Do they have you set up in therapy as well? I doubt if you are a failure, just maybe need some direction.

Early recovery can sometimes seem like a string of failures, but each slip gives you a new lesson. You learn what not to do and do the opposite of it. You can do it, it just takes time.

Hi Nicholas,
You're not a failure. Whatever you think you'll become. I believe that once you make up your mind to stop for good, that's when it will happen.
All the best to you.

You’re only a failure if you stop trying. I’ve relapsed at least once a month since the summer of 2019. But I understand.

I’ve felt like a failure plenty of times. I don’t want to give advice. I’m in no position to but I’m here if you need to talk

The way you feel and what you are are 2 different things. What you should want to think about is what you want to be and how you want to think of yourself.