I screwed up

Went on vacation and thought I could have a few drinks. Ended up drunk the whole time and not remembering much.

Starting over.


That sucks bro. The good news is you can start over. As long as you are breathing you can start over. Take the lessons you learned through this and use them as tools to succeed

How have the last couple days been?

Past couple days have been tough but still sober and my head is clear.

It’s all good Ty. You’re aware of it.

ty, that’s okay! you can come back from it. tomorrow is another day, it’s a new day for a clean slate. i was just told this because i almost made a mistake last night. stay strong! you can do this. don’t beat yourself up over it.

Each day brings opportunities to change. Reset and keep going. What's done is done now. At least you're aware of your actions. Start again.
All the best.

I relapsed and looking back I learned from it. Keep hitting meetings and working with your sponsor. And never quit trying

At least it was only vacation. Sounds like the first 20 years of my adult life. Keep your head up and stay focused!