I saw this posted on the wall of my last

I saw this posted on the wall of my last inpatient treatment center and I’ll never forget these words of wisdom...


Laura!!!! Thank you for sharing this! Blissfully beautiful! I totally needed to hear this! I’m healing everyday I wake up sober. I’m healing from a divorce. I’m healing from trauma. I’m healing from the inside out.
I hope you’re having a wonderful day filled with love and peace within!

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I agree with the sentiment although I do think part of healing is acknowledging something is deficient.


So true.

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Earl Nightingale said something similar. He said never discuss your health unless it’s with your doctor. It can’t do you any good, and it certainly won’t help others.

Same idea as saying your a recovering addict or alcoholic when going to na or aa gives it positive reinforcement, def helps got to soak us every bit of positivity wherever you can in this battle