I relapsed lastnight. Today has been tough.And its not over yet

Very tired from work today, I relapsed yesterday and stayed up

I'm sorry your having a tough time!!! Don't let this set you back! Today is a new day! Just a bump in the road!

Hey Bobby, how are you doing today?

Prayers for you !!! You are honest and that’s all that matters ! First step :clap:t2: just pick yourself back up ! You got this

Please reach out to us just like your doing. Let’s all get each other through this together brother

Bobby, you doin good? How are you coming back from the relapse?

Today I haven't had anything. Tonight I will go to a 8pm meeting and look for a sponsor. This morning I did step 123. And will continue to do those steps until the cravings pass.

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That is goof to hear. I am glad you are rolling again.