I relapsed last night after 6 months sober

I relapsed last night after 6 months sober. I feel defeated.


Dont feel defeated…I've been there before..just dust yourself off and start again..dont look back move forward


Dont.. slip ups are a part of recovery.. pick up self up, dust off, go to a meeting and start again! You can do it.. you did it for 6 months, u can do it again!!


And we’re all here with you to start a new journey!


Admitting a slip is courageous! Do you go to meetings?

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How do you go to meetings? Are they on this app? Sorry for the questions it’s my 1st day

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Its only defeat if you give up.

Meeting in your area should be located on this webpage…

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These are all online pretty much 24 hours a day for whoever was asking

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It's not that you fell so to speak but that you pick yourself back up and keep going. I know it's hard not to come down on yourself about it but you can't dwell on it, with one foot in yesterday and one foot i. Tomarrow your just pissing on today….worry about today and let yesterday go tomarrow is not here so focus on Today and even if it has to be one hour or minute at a time you can make it

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AMEN to what Shawn says.

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I'm sorry to hear that I relapsed. But that is just one hurdle to overcome you will get through this and I know you don't know me from Adam but if you'd like we could trade numbers and keep our convo a lil more privare

I've done that before and struggled to get back on the wagon. You will get back to it and God will help you through it.

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Hey Jessica how are you doing today!! Hope you listened to everyone, don’t be too hard on yourself as we are born with the affliction of NEEDING to use above all else. It is cunning, baffling & powerful but there Are many resources to help you get back up and get through it!

6 months is a hell of an accomplishment! Get back on board now :).