I relapsed, again.. in Mexico for some reason I t

I relapsed, again.. in Mexico for some reason I thought it didn’t count and ended up in jail. Lost my girlfriend on what was supposed to be our special trip. I fucking hate this disease

I have had many relapses since trying to get sober. I have been trying for 10 years, 8 months has been my longest for me. Remember one day at a time.

It’s a disease? May I suggest the book Alcohol Explained by William Porter or This Naked Mind by Annie Grace. I think u will like what you learn. Good luck guys. It ain’t easy, but u can do it.

I'm sorry you went through that. Something that helps me is to look at it like an allergy. If you are allergic to bees you avoid them at all cost. As bad as this is don't let it stop you. You can come back from it.