I relapsed again. Half of me is tempted to say

I relapsed again. Half of me is tempted to say Fuck It and run away because the damage is done. The other half wants to return to a sober living and start over. I’ve relapsed/fallen so many times though, I don’t know if I have the strength to get back up again. What motivates you to keep going? Would appreciate FEMALE feedback. :two_hearts:


No matter how many times you fall, you can always get back up.


Avoid the FI's at all costs - it never helps, and is too easy to think that way. Think different, reach out to someone close and hang on while all this passes. Because it will pass. Hang in!

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Nina, don't quit before the miracle! Alcoholism is a disease or dis"ease." This is what I was told at 17 when I got sober. I'm 51. You CAN do this.

I am here for you. Please keep reaching out. It isn't easy but it gets better. I promise!

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Relapsing is super discouraging, but you’re at a position to either learn from this and use your experience to help someone, or to burn your life to the ground all over again and have to start from 0. Recovery is not all up, it’s ups and downs. I wish i would’ve just gotten back up after relapsing instead of wasting more of my life.


Nina- Keep quitting. You will get better at it. Besides, where you going to run away to that your addiction won't find you, keeping things worse for you?

You have to want it..it sounds cliche but if your not getting sober for yourself you will never stay sober...you cant be doing it for other people...

Check out the recovery elevator podcast and then Cafe RE. Private Facebook recovery group that has meet ups and online meetings every day . Great alternative to AA . Helped me ALOT.

Hi Nina! You are a beautiful soul, your here for a reason. No matter how many times you fall, get back up. You have the courage to admit and the strength to commit yourself to a healthy lifestyle. Fight your demons, we’re all fighting alongside you. One day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time. Breath, journal, motivation videos on YouTube. Meditate :woman_in_lotus_position: and keep going! We’re rooting for you soul sis’

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