I relapsed after 8 long months of hard work

I relapsed after 8 long months of hard work and life is so fucked up for me now

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Don't give up! I've been there… when I was younger the last time I relapsed I was temporarily kicked out of my house I felt like everything was over for me but it wasn't I got myself back together and proved it wasnt going to be a relapse I let continue. Have you been to any meetings since that? Start there and keep talking. :slight_smile:

Don't give up. I beleive we all have a certain path to be on and learn from our mistakes. You got this- one day at a time.

Don't ever feel like you're alone in this world. 99% of all users relapse after a good period of sobriety. I'd say the best way to cope with it . Is by finding someone who will genuinely support you and keep you smiling. KEEP YOUR FAITH UP Relapsing means you're only getting back up 3x stronger than your last episode. I'm here if u need someone to talk to. :writing_hand:

Not sure if you're recommending someone fresh off a relapse to get into a relationship but if that's the case I strongly disagree

What are you going to do different this time Veronica? What precipitated your slip? As others have said relapse is part of recovery for some of us and there's no need to beat yourself up. Can you tell us more about what's going on with you? Sometimes just sharing really helps

Hi Veronica. I'm sorry, hun. Hang in there. Feel free to send me a message if you need to talk. I can promise you it ain't over. It's time to get up.

Hop back on track! You didn’t lose your clean time, it’s still there. You’re still 8 months sober! Relapse is a part of recovery. It doesn’t matter that you relapsed, what matters is what you do after you’ve relapsed! Reach out if you need an ear for extra support! :heart:

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I relapsed after 8 years. There’s always a way back

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