I really need help and support to stop drinking

I really need help and support to stop drinking. I’ve never been consistent with treatment (like AA, haven’t gotten to the addiction services my healthcare provides, due to constant denial {although I plan to call tomorrow}) NEVER had a sponsor nor a stable, supportive community to help me.
I’ve only been able to stay sober 17 days this year, maybe even around the end of last year (I’m terrible at concept of time).
Anyway, I’ve relapsed, and thought I had it under control, but it’s just gradually getting worse. I live with my mom who drinks too, and although we both have times where we want to stop, we can’t and don’t. We just enable each other at this point, but she mostly. My stepdad also keeps buying drinks even though he wants us to stop.... (my mother gets mad at him if he doesn’t, therefore he just listens to her) basically, I don’t live in a supportive household, even though. I’ve been through so much with drinking and even caused major problems (and they know it). Also, I don’t have friends, and if I do, they also heavily drink or do drugs.
It’s worse because this is happening every day now.
I also struggle with mental disorders and take strong medication, which doesn’t help either.
I’m truly desperate at this point. I really need support and a supportive community.
Alcoholism runs in my family; and some have even died from it, or from the illnesses they’ve gained from addiction/alcoholism.
I can’t do this anymore. I seriously want and need help.

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Rehab helped me. Plus they can assist you with any coo curing issues. It saved my life.

First of all, I wanna point out that you’re doing the right thing by reaching out for help.

Secondly, the fact that you’ve stayed sober in the past means you CAN do it again!

Living with your mom who drinks will definitely complicate matters and prob make your situation a bit more difficult. But I promise you that you can still get sober, even in an unideal environment.

I don’t suggest AA to everyone, although it was what got me sober. But it seems like it would be a really good fit for you based on what you’ve explained. You mentioned that you didn’t stay consistent with it last time around. Why was that?

Wow like am just kinda short of words,but drinks only doesn't pull all this up I really can tell ,but you could DM if interested at me talking you cool

Hi Naomi. Thanks for sharing. I'm glad you're reaching out. I'm thankful you're appreciative for a change.

Let us know how the call goes with your insurance. Please check into any state programs your state may offer for free or reduced treatment.

I know it's hard being around it. In the meantime, try a meeting. You may even leave the house when your mom starts to drink. Leave every time. That may get her attention.

You and your mom could take small(er) steps. She may struggle with going cold turkey. Together you can go an entire weekend without alcohol. That may work.