I often wonder, what's alcohol like for normal people?

I often wonder, what's alcohol like for normal people?


I think they can take it or leave it. My problem is once I start I don't stop ugh

Luckily alcohol wasn’t ever a problem for me, I drank a lot in college, definitely in excess not going to lie. I’ve had plenty of drunken nights, but alcohol was easy to lay off for me. I more recent years I’d have a couple beers watching a ball game or something but the cravings were never really there. If I was out watching a game and my buddies were drinking I’d grab a beer, if I was home watching the game I’d happily grab a coke or iced tea and be just as content. For all the alcoholics out here reading this, I give you guys such credit. (Coming from a recovering opioid addict) if my substance of choice was available at nearly every convenience store and restaurant I’m not so sure I’d have as much will power. I have the utmost respect for each and every one of you guys that chooses to stay sober.